Overview of ESA Procedures, Specifications and Standards (PSS) documents
This is an overview of the ESA Procedures, Specifications and Standards
(PSS) documents concerning Space Data Communications.
Important Notice
Many of the PSS standards are now obsolete or superseded by ECSS standards. Availability and PSS-ECSS equivalence matrix is given by ESA Publications in the PSS Catalogue or ECSS Catalogue.
Some (drafts) of the PSS-04 and -05 standards can be downloaded from our server
ESA standardisation architecture
This is the ESA standardisation architecture (or documentation tree), which
is structured into PSS branches and levels. The next section provides an
overview of the Space Data Communications documents.
PSS-00-0 ESA Standardisation Policy and Architecture
PSS-01-0 Product Assurance and Safety
PSS-02-0 Electrical Power and EMC
PSS-03-0 Mechanical Engineering and Human Factors
PSS-04-0 Space Data Communications
PSS-05-0 Software Engineering
PSS-06-0 Management and Project Control
PSS-07-0 Operations and EGSE
PSS-08-0 Natural and Induced Environment
PSS-09-0 Control Systems
PSS-10-0 Ground Communications and Computer Networking
Space Data Communications
PSS-04-0 Space Data Communications
Space Data Communications are concerned with the following technical areas:
Telemetry, i.e. the acquisition of supervisory and scientific data
on board the spacecraft, their transmission from the spacecraft and their
acquisition by the ground systems.
Telecommand, i.e. the generation of spacecraft control data by ground
systems, their transmission form the ground and their acquisition by the
spacecraft subsystems.
Tracking and Ranging, i.e. the localisation of the spacecraft.
PSS-04-10 Space Link Standards and Protocols
The Space Link Standards and Protocols documents are essentially concerned
with the data communication techniques relevant to the space link, i.e.
where the transmission medium is space.
PSS-04-103 Telemetry Channel Coding Standard
PSS-04-104 Ranging Standard
PSS-04-105 Radio Frequency and Modulation Standard
PSS-04-106 Packet Telemetry Standard
PSS-04-107 Packet Telecommand Standard
PSS-04-108 Advanced Orbiting Systems, Networks and Data Links
PSS-04-109 Radio Frequency Standard for Data Relay Systems
PSS-04-110 Coding Standards for Data Relay Systems
PSS-04-151 Telecommand Decoder Specification
PSS-04-152 S-Band Transponder Specification for Data Relay Systems Users
PSS-04-20 Spacecraft Data Interfaces and Protocols
The Spacecraft Data Interfaces and Protocols documents are essentially
concerned with the data communication techniques relevant to the data systems
on board the spacecraft. Typical topics are: data transfer interfaces (from
the spacecraft data bust down to the command pulse concept to activate
latching devices), spacecraft time management, etc.
PSS-04-201 Data Systems User Interface Standards
PSS-04-202 Time Code Formats and Procedures Standard
ESA Publications Division, ESTEC-IP
PO Box 299, NL-2200 AG Noordwijk
The Netherlands
Telephone: Int +31 (0)71 565 3400
Telefax: Int +31 (0)71 565 5433
Telex: 39098 ESTEC NL
Email: fdezwaan@estec.esa.nl
Other document sources
The corresponding Consultative Committee
for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) standards are available on-line.
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Last edited 26 January 2005