This page is a collection of links to other pages inside or outside of ESA, which are relevant to (space) microelectronics activities.
NASA Office of Logic Design
This www site is designed for engineers involved with digital logic technologies for space flight applications. As such, there are papers, reports, test data, and various types of technical information.
ECSS Homepage
The European Cooperation for Space Standardization
is an initiative established to develop a coherent,
single set of user-friendly standards for use
in all European space activities.
PSS Equivalence List
ESA PSS (Procedures, Specifications and Standards) documents are being progressively phased out and replaced by the ECSS standards. This is an overview of the PSS documents concerning Space Data Communications.
CCSDS page
The Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems, developing space data handling standards.
Spacewire Page at ESA
In short, SpaceWire (SpW) is a Network for space applications
composed of nodes and routers interconnected
through bi-directional high-speed digital serial links.
ESCIES is the European Space Components Information Exchange System. It is a product of the ESCC (European Space Component Coordination) and is the European web resource for data concerning components used in space programmes.
PCI Special Interest Group
The PCI SIG is the standardisation body for the various PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) bus systems (PCI, PCI-X, PCI-Express etc.).
ESA Alert System
The ESA Alert System provides support for the alert information collection,
storing and distribution, e.g. for issues with FPGA components etc.
EDA Industry and VHDL Working Groups
The Electronic Design Automation (EDA) and Electronic Computer-Aided Design (ECAD) one-stop resource on the WWW, including conferences and working groups on VHDL and Verilog.
Last edited 17 April 2007