Area of FW in Xilinx xc2v6000ff1152-4: -------------------------------------- I/O Register bits: 12 Register bits not including I/Os: 9141 (13%) RAM/ROM usage summary Dual Port Rams (RAM16X1D): 271 Single Port Rams (RAM64X1S): 460 Single Port Rams (RAM128X1S): 1904 Block Rams : 137 of 144 (95%) Block Multipliers: 31 of 144 (21%) Global Clock Buffers: 2 of 16 (12%) Mapping Summary: Total LUTs: 35724 (52%) Max Clock Frequency ~50 MHz (pre-Place&Route) Implementation of FW in UMC 0.18 with VST libraries: ---------------------------------------------------- *************************************** Report : area Design : FW Version: 2003.06-SP1 Date : Thu Aug 5 15:17:58 2004 **************************************** Library(s) Used: umcl18u250t2_wc Number of ports: 107 Number of nets: 684 Number of cells: 16 Number of references: 16 Combinational area: 914255.375000 Noncombinational area: 1185083.125000 Net Interconnect area: undefined (No wire load specified) Total cell area: 2099769.500000 Total area: undefined This is without memories, about 2 mm^2 standard cell area, and divided by 12.2, the area of a 2-input NAND/NOR gate, it is about 172 kGates (NAND equivalent). The design contains about 10000 D-FlipFlops. A frequency of 50 MHz (without memory tming or external timing constraints) is easily met.