14-July-2004: The release 1.2 is available, providing the following enhancements: - A patch providing registered FIFO full/empty bits. This patch will improve timing on the AMBA bus. - Along with the known Austrian Aerospace testbench, the Astrium-Velizy test environment from the SCOC contract is now provided as described in the documents. This testbench relies on some (Modelsim-)precompiled packages. - Compile scripts allowing either a complete recompile with makefile generation, or a re-make (if makefiles exist). - Synthesis setup for the complete IP (including amba), or the version without amba interface. Release Notes: - It was reported by W. Ogiers from FillFactory that the Austrian Aerospace testbench uses the definitions of EOP and EEP at character level (i.e. 101 for EOP), rather than the host interface recommendation in the standard (EOP = all data bits 0). The spacewire IP itself only looks at bit 0 of the FIFO and then generates the correct sequence (P101) on the serial lines. However, if you want the behavioural AAE spacewire device to generate an EOP, you will have to send a '101' to the FIFO with the command SPWR TRANSMITBYTE 5 - It was reported by W. Ogiers from FillFactory that the design contains Flip-Flops whose asynchronous reset is driven by internal signals. This may cause problems at scan test and require bypass multiplexers to be inserted, either at source code level, or at test/scan insertion (see Synopsys command insert_dft). 10 August 2004